Know detailed information about Jeevan Shiromani Policy of Life Insurance

Insurance news best policy of the year

News34 chandrapur

LIC has many policies to protect your life. Today we are going to learn about one of these policies. That can make you a millionaire.


Chandrapur insurance news – Many people in India trust LIC. LIC is considered a safe investment. Meanwhile, today we are going to know about one such plan of LIC. In which you can get more than 1 crore profit. LIC formulates policies keeping all people in mind. One of the best policies among these is Jeevan Shiromani policy. This policy offers savings along with protection. This is a non linked plan of LIC. A minimum of Rs 1 crore is guaranteed in this. Sum Assured is the sum assured to be received by the customer from the insurance company.


This policy is designed for high income group people. If a policyholder dies before maturity, then his family gets financial assistance. It is also a money back plan at a limited premium. In which you get paid from time to time. The maximum investment age in the policy is 55 years (policy term 14 years), 51 years (policy term 16 years), 48 years (policy term 18 years) and 45 years (policy term 20 years).


Basic Sum Assured in Jeevan Shiromani Policy is Rs.1 Crore. For this, the customer has to invest for four years. After that the returns will start. Talking about the investment amount, the customer has to deposit around Rs 94,000 per month. In this policy, the facility of payment is provided over a period of time if the policyholder survives. Apart from this, a lump sum is also paid on maturity. The plan also provides cover for critical illnesses and has 3 optional riders available.